Tag Archives: mattress for a 3 year old

best mattress for a 3 year old | how to choose & my recommendation 2023

At the fragile age of 3 years, children spend about 10 to 12 hours per day. In 3-year-old children, they can not do much; things they can do mostly revolve around eating or sleeping. The time they spend sleeping in a day can reach 12 hours. This means that almost half of the day they do is sleep; therefore, the bed used must have a good standard so that they can get the energy needed when they wake up later.

Not only for adults, but the problem of sleep deprivation can also be experienced by young children, and this problem can have serious consequences, especially in children under 3 years, they must get enough sleep to be able to grow and develop ideally. So getting the right mattress is a mandatory investment.

In childhood, children are in a period of growth, both mentally and physically. As has been said before that the problem of sleep time is an important issue, also coupled with the quality of sleep is also an important thing. Next, we make a list of what matters to consider when you want to buy a new mattress for children under 3 years.

  • Size
  • Durability
  • Breathability
  • Health Issue
  • Level of firmness
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